Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?

Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too”, by Eric Carle, is unpopular in our house. I purchased this book because Eric Carle is such a beloved author and illustrator, but I definitely felt that this was a thrown together, throw away “story.”

It has the typical Eric Carle illustrations, but the “story” is very repetitive and uninteresting. In short, it’s just a series of animals and each time the author asks, “Does [insert animal] have a mother, too?”

Guess what, they all do.


This makes the book into a long and tedious read and not one that I enjoy sharing with my child; and, isn’t that an important part of reading to our kids? We should all like the books!! My husband HATES this one.

I give this story 2 out of 5 stars for its tedious and repetitive nature. We give it the one star for the illustrations. Although my husband wants to take away that star, too.

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