My Favorite Sippy Cup

Hands down, my favorite sippy cup so far is the Pura Kiki Sippy Cup.  Unlike almost every other sippy cup on the market, this one is not made of plastic. Instead it has been crafted from stainless steel and silicone, so no fears of BPA or other weird chemicals.  Pura sells insulated and uninsulated versions, and I currently have the uninsulated version.  We primarily use the silicone straw attachment.

I saw several of my son’s friends with this cup and they all seemed to like it (as did their mom’s) so I figured I would take the plunge and purchase it for our son. He took to it right away and hasn’t had any issues with it.  The construction is nice and simple and the straw has a basic valve that is opened by pressure from your child’s mouth or suction.

It does not leak.  The closest this gets to a leak is when some water is left in the top of the straw and it gets bent over.  When released it will spring back with a tendency to spray tiny droplets of water everywhere. I wouldn’t consider that leaking more like a little spritz, and this doesn’t happen very often.

The Pura is a tall sippy cup so it doesn’t sit perfectly in cup holders. Not a deal breaker.

I will admit that if our son turns the cup upside down and shakes it and pounds it on the floor, yes, some water will come out of the straw; this is something I would expect from any cup with a straw in it.  Oh, and this can take a serious beating thanks to the stainless steel construction!

My only major complaint with this cup is that the cap (also silicone) does not fit over the straw tight enough.  I can fold the straw over, but it still doesn’t stay on very well.  While I don’t always need a cap, I like to have it if I know we will be going someplace where the other kids are going to be attracted to his cup and especially if I think it might get dirty. I would like to be able to cover the top better.

The only other note I would give is that because of the steel construction the cup is heavier when compared to plastic cups.  Especially when the Pura is filled with water.  Over the several months he’s had it our son has never had an issue carrying the heavier weight.  I mention it for the sake of honest reporting.

I give this sippy cup the MOST ROYAL seal of approval and 5 out of 5 stars.

While it isn’t the cheapest cup on the market it is the best that we have used.

Anti-Spill Sippy Cup? [updated]

I feel like I am constantly on the search for the perfect sippy cup.  We have tried maybe 8 so far, and of those I am happy with three.  The Nuby No-Spill Flip N’ Sip Cup is not one of them.  Maybe it was human error, but I put water in this cup for my son the first time we used it, shook it upside down, squeezed the straw, and was I happy to see that it did NOT spill. Off to a great start.

I gave it to my son, turned around to put something away, and when I turned back I found that he was splashing his hands on his high chair tray and that he had sufficiently soaked himself.

I am not 100% sure how he managed this, but I suspect it is all in the straw.  It seemed that if he squeezed the straw with the cup upside down the water poured out, which he apparently figured out very quickly!  I have not used the cup again since. I am willing to give it one more try to see if I just assembled it incorrectly.  But, before that happens all our other cups will need to be dirty! 🙂


Dad here.  So we’ve given this cup several more tries, and it is better, but not perfect.  We have some issues trying to reassemble it (getting the straw through the hole in the top can be frustrating,) but the leaks are minor.  Our son did like the flip top a lot.  So much that he would get distracted and play with it .  …Not sure if that is a pro or not. 🙂

We give the Nuby No-Spill Flip N’ Sip Cup 3 of 5 stars because it leaked heavily upon first use but seems to be improved after additional usage.

The World’s Best Sippy Cup? [updated]

Want a sippy cup that doesn’t leak? I think we may have finally found it.  And, fingers crossed this time because we are about to lose our mind from leaks.

Imagine the scene:  Mom and dad in a heinous truckstop bathroom trying to change a poo-splosion diaper that’s barely clinging to the underside of The Little Prince.


Dad frantically digs in the diaper bag.

MOM:  “HURRY, I can’t contain this anymore.  The wipes have burst into flames!”

DAD: “I can’t FIND them!”

MOM:  “At the bottom!  Quickly, it’s like the BP Oil Spill over here!”

Dad finally connects with the clean pampers only to discover that they are already busily soaking up a leaking sippy cup.

DAD: “%*$H!T %Dh#R@F& $&!@$%”

This bring us to our review of the Munchkin Sesame Street Character Cup, we pray to you, o’ blessed vessel of water and toddler refreshment.

We love this because:

  1. Easy to assemble.
  2. It has a face, thus you can make it sing and dance if your are desperate.  If you have taken a long car ride you understand how helpful this can be!
  3. The lid and handles stay attached and don’t leak.
  4. Unlike some of the other cups we have tried, our little guy took to this straw right away. It may also be the first time he didn’t choke and water board himself.  The straw has a 1-way valve to prevent leaks and this seems to help control the flow of liquid.
  5. He loves the handles.  We have some other cups that leak when you use the handles.  Not the case here.
  6. BPA-free.
  7. Top rack dishwasher safe.

Some people have complained that the straw doesn’t have a cap.  Seriously?  We have not found this to be a problem. Even if it did have a cap, how long is that going to last before we lose it?  About 45 seconds.  Then two weeks later The Little Prince is going to find it under the couch and shove it in his mouth.  No cap?  Not a problem for me!  As listed above, the straw has a one-way valve and we have had zero issues with leaks; a cap would be excessive.

Now, is this really the PERFECT cup.  No.  Nothing is.  But so far these have brought some sanity to our lives.  We did have one leak incident, but that seemed to be our fault as we apparently didn’t put the lid on all the way.


Give these cups a try.  We think you will love them. Also, Amazon sells it as a two pack!


After several months of use, we are sadly finding this cup leaks more and more.  Particularly out of the straw when cold liquid is exposed to warmer air. It appears that the one way valve that prevented this at first is becoming looser and softer after repeated toddler abuse.

Here is a pro tip for sippy cups in general, if you fill a sippy cup with ice cold liquid and the cup gets warm it will create air pressure inside the cup.  Air has to get out and it will force it’s way out, often taking liquid with it. It’s like microwaving leftovers with the tupperware lip still locked.  It will heat up, pop the cover off and throw food everywhere in the process.

Preventing this is super easy.  Use room temp liquids or keep your cup cold.  This worked well when we were just filling Elmo with water.  But now that we are using cold milk out of the fridge we can watch it creep out of the top and dribble down the side as it begins to warm.

When we take “Elmo” on a walk in the blistering city heat we keep him in an insulated pouch surrounded by ice.  This seems to resolve the issue when traveling.  But sadly, it’s when we are at home and our son is carrying this cup around and it’s not in a little cooler, well… leaks happen.

It is no longer my favorite sippy cup due to the durability of the one way valve.  That said, our son loves it so much that we keep it in rotation.  It’s very easy to get him to drink out of this cup and that’s extremely helpful on days when he is being fussy.

Revised score is:  3 out of 5 stars.